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Equality & Diversity
St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College is founded on Christian principles, is characterised by a very diverse student and staff body, and is committed to an inclusive approach to educational opportunity. This means that our engagement with equality and diversity as social and political goals, and the legal and moral requirements attached to that commitment, is a natural expression both of our vision and of our daily activity.
One of our senior managers has responsibility for applying equality and diversity principles throughout the College. This is carried out through the work of a designated group that includes both staff and students. A number of action points are set each year and a full report is written to our Governors at the end of the year. Our annual college self-assessment includes judgements about any possible differences in student outcomes defined by ethnicity, gender, age, entitlement to bursaries, or by learning difficulties. By and large there are few discernible differences, but any significant “gaps” will be addressed in the annual plan.
We require each of our subject areas to identify how they contribute to the challenge of equality and diversity in their work, and we take whatever opportunity we can to promote those values in assemblies or tutorial work. We know that strong educational achievement is the most effective way to propel young people into professional and public lives that are successful and fulfilling. We know that the vast majority of our students will progress from the level of learning they joined us to the next stage, whether from foundation, intermediate or advanced programmes. We also know that many of our students will be the first members of their family to enter higher education. In these ways we aim to be an engine of social mobility, pursuing the values of equality and diversity in practical and tangible ways.