In this section...



The Governing Body of St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College consists of eleven foundation members representing the Diocese of Westminster - the Trustees of the College - one parent governor, two staff governors, two student governors, two co-opted governors and the Principal.

The Governing Body has responsibility for:

  • Determining the educational character and mission of St Charles as a Catholic sixth form college and for the oversight of its activities.
  • The effective use of the College's resources, the solvency of the College and for the safeguarding of its assets.
  • Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure, and for monitoring budget performance.
  • The appointment, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the Principal, Vice-Principal (senior post-holders) and the Clerk.
  • Setting the framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.
  • Approving the quality strategy of the College
  • Determining the policy for the admission of students

In order to discharge its duties, the Governing Body meets four times a year. Additionally, members of the Governing Body serve on the Appraisal & Pay and Personnel Committee, the Finance and Premises Committee, the Audit and Risk Committee and the Quality & Standards and Catholicity Committee.


Membership of the Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of:

Eleven Foundation Governors

The majority of members of the Governing Body are appointed by the diocese of Westminster. These are active members of the local Catholic community.

Current Foundation governors are:

  • Ms Margaret O’ Riordan (Chair of Governors), Executive Coach and Drama Teacher (20+ years in Banking)
  • Ms Elaine Pinkster (Vice Chair), Marketing, strategy, and communications professional
  • Mr John Lee, School Building Fund Administrator, Diocese of Westminster
  • Ms Maud Millar, CEO, Get Adapt Ltd; COO, The Millar Agency; Team Leader, AQA
  • Ms Sophie Leech, Teacher 
  • Mr Leo Keay, Parliamentary Researcher
  • Mr Declan Canavan, Asset Management 

Co-opted Governor

  • Mrs Jane Carrington, Headteacher of Primary School in Westminster

Parent Governor

This member is elected by the parents of, or those with parental responsibility for, full-time students of the College. 

Jude Watts, employee at the Bank of England and also a NLP (neuro linguistic) practitioner

Staff Governors

These members are elected by the staff. Both teaching and support staff are eligible for election.


Current Staff governors are:

  • Ms Lena Abbas, A-level Art Teacher and Head of BTEC Art & Design at St Charles
  • Ms Poonam Gard, Head of Politics & EPQ Co-ordinator at St Charles

Student Governors

Zara Farooqi and Ali Mohammadipour

The Principal

The Principal is ex officio a member of the Governing Body. Current Principal is Mr Martin Twist.

Attending a meeting as a member of the public

Permission to attend is at the Chair’s discretion. If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact the Clerk to the Governors by email – s.jacobs@stcharles.ac.uk

Please state your name and the meeting(s) you wish to attend and your contact details.
The relevant Chair will then be in touch with you.


All correspondence for members of the Governing Body should be addressed to

Mrs Susan Jacobs

Clerk to the Governing Body, 
c/o St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College,
St Charles Square,
London W10 6EY or  by email  -    s.jacobs@stcharles.ac.uk



Admissions Criteria

St. Charles College welcomes students of all religious backgrounds who wish to pursue their studies in an explicitly Christian context.

On the application form all students, including those from outside the Catholic tradition, will be asked to make clear their reasons for wanting to study at a Catholic College. This statement is not used to determine the offer of places, but represents an opportunity for applicants to acknowledge the religious nature of the College and how they could be supportive of it.

In the event of over-subscription the Governors have established the following criteria

  1. As the College has been designed with the needs of students with disabilities in mind, the governors will give priority of consideration to applications from such students, who have an open choice of course at enrolment, assuming they meet the required entry criteria for their preferred courses.
  2. Students from the partner Catholic secondary schools who do not have their own sixth form provision have an open choice of course at enrolment, assuming they meet the required entry criteria for their preferred courses. These schools ar eSt. Thomas More in Sloane Square and All Saints College on St Charles Square.
  3. Catholic students from other secondary schools.
  4. Students from outside the Catholic tradition in other secondary schools. 

Students in categories 3 and 4 will negotiate a course programme prior to enrolment, and will be offered a place on this basis. We will guarantee this programme should the student reach the necessary entry criteria. Otherwise, such a student can still take up their place at the College, but their choice, of course, may be limited by their GCSE grades and the availability of course places. The entry criteria for programme levels and individual courses are published in the prospectus and the course descriptions are available at the College and on our web-site. These criteria are the same for students from the partner schools as they are for those outside this group.

Students can be refused the offer of a place at the
College if 

  1. Their reference makes it clear that they are not supported by their current teachers for further progression in full-time education.
  2. They have course or career preferences which simply cannot be accommodated within the College's current course offer.
  3. Their application is received after the end of April and the College is likely to have reached its target offer total. These students will be offered places on the waiting list. 


Governors Meetings Cycle

Terms of Reference

Minutes 2020-2021

Minutes 2021-2022

Minutes 2022-2023

Minutes 2023-2024