Careers Programme
The Careers Education and Guidance programme at St Charles College promotes the skills and understanding that are necessary for students to make informed decisions about the choices they face at each stage of their career development. St Charles College has a critical role to play in preparing our students for transitions into the next stage of their careers, whether that be in education, employment or training.
A high proportion of our students (approximately 85%) go on to higher education, with a further 10% going on to take up apprenticeships or employment.
Our careers guidance programme consists of services and activities intended to raise our students’ aspirations, broaden their horizons and empower them to make realistic, informed decisions at all key transitional points in their education.
We are committed to the education of the whole person and the development of young adults of competence, conscience and compassion who will be of service in the community. We strive to recognise God’s presence in all things, to celebrate the pursuit of personal excellence and to live with hope and respect for all creation.
All students at St Charles College take part in our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme and this forms a crucial and integral part of our students’ learning.
Our programme has been designed to fulfil the eight Gatsby Benchmarks as follows:
- A Stable Careers Programme
- Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
- Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
- Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
- Encounters with Employers and Employees
- Experiences of the Workplace
- Encounters with Further and Higher Education
- Personal Guidance
Careers Compass Results Find out about our Careers Programme here.
The Career Leader at St Charles College is:
Name: Mr Tim Shehu
Phone: 020 8968 7755
Work Experience Coordinator
Name: Miss Tanya Kassir
At St Charles College, we work closely with parents and carers to support children in their education and future career needs. Parents/carers are invited to Parents' UCAS Information Evenings, Year 12 New Parents Meet and Greet Event, Student Finance presentation evening and open mornings. Where appropriate, we also invite and encourage parents/carers to deliver workshops for specific career related activities. Weekly Careers Newsletter is emailed to all the parents.
Parents and carers are always welcome to contact the College Careers Leader with any queries regarding careers education by emailing:
Provider Access
St Charles College is committed to providing information, advice and guidance on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships.
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Learners entitlement
Level 1 and Level 2 learners are entitled: to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through One Year Choices Day and other events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events; to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests
A provider wishing to request access should contact Tim Shehu - Careers Leader, Telephone: 02089687755 Email:
Opportunities for access
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students.
In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step, we are now using UNIFROG, an award-winning online careers platform.
All students, across all year groups, have access to the platform with their own personal account providing a wide range of information relevant to their interests and aspirations.
Once students have explored their interests and compared the full range of pathways available to them, UNIFROG also provides some excellent tools to help students draft applications, CVs and Personal Statements.
If you would like more information see below or visit their website:
Please click on the links below for information on UNIFROG which was launched at St Charles College in September 2024:
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area and understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment.
Evaluating the impact of our Careers Programme
Each careers event, students are given the opportunity to share their evaluation via UNIFROG. Their responses are compiled and used to inform our future planning.
The overall effectiveness of our Careers Programme is evaluated by comparing the records of one to one careers interviews, with final destinations taken up by students, which allows us to assess the effectiveness of our IAG.
Every year we take part in national Career Survey with Cibyl Schools Partnership where students complete this very extensive survey on their career decision process.
The information provided on this website is reviewed and updated on a termly basis, and the overall effectiveness of our Careers Programme is evaluated on an annual basis, with the next review taking place in September 2025.
The Careers Service
The careers service provided at St Charles College includes:
- A dedicated Careers Advisor, who offers individual support and guidance throughout the College life and with the UCAS process
- Preparation for additional university entrance tests and university interviews, including advice on applying to American universities
- Preparation and support for work experience applications and internships
- An information evening for parents and students about UCAS, with a specialist speaker
- A number of annual events: One Year Choices Day for students on Level 1 and Level 2, Two Year Choices Day for students on first year of Level 3, Career Fairs and Higher Education Fair, UCAS Preparation days including talks from top Universities such as UCL, Kings and City
- Personal Statement workshops delivered by professionals from IntoUniversity, Royal Holloway University of London, Portsmouth University, Newcastle University, Roehampton University and Oxford Brookes University and many others
- University workshops in many different subject areas (at least 50 workshops)
- Inspirational talks from high profile speakers such as the Chairman of Mastercard Rick Haythornthwaite, Ex Chief Executive of BP Tony Hayward, John Snow Broadcasting Journalist from Channel 4, and Chairman of Legal & General Sir John Kingman
- Weekly careers newsletter that is shared with students, parents and staff which entails huge amount of information about work experience, summer schools, apprenticeships, industry insights, university open days, tasters and talk offered by universities and employers.
- Visits and Industry insights organised in collaboration with subject areas linking curriculum to careers. The St Charles Careers Programme covers a wide variety of topics which aim to prepare students not only for their college studies but also for university, apprenticeship, employment and their intended careers.
- Students can explore careers through, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE? DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE! Launch Your Career can help you find your way by understanding your personality type and matching you to a career while connecting you with colleges, courses or apprenticeships relevant and available to you, which has been designed to help young people broaden their horizons and consider a broader spectrum of careers and education options.
Every year our students take part in in an independent survey which measures careers programme in college. Full information can be found in our documents attached in the Documents Section.
Technical Education & Apprenticeships
During the One Year Choices Day and Two Year Choices Day various employers and education providers are invited to attend our HE and Careers Fair where they have the opportunity to promote Technical Education as well as apprenticeship opportunities. Also many apprenticeship opportunities are advertised on our weekly careers newsletter. We have a close collaboration with Multiverse – an apprenticeship provider, who we refer students to their opportunities. The most popular apprenticeship websites are also shared with students on the Apprenticeship TEAM groups:
Useful Sources
How to write a CV and Cover Letter:
How to excel in Interviews:
- Military Aptitude Tests
Work experience:
Fast Forward Job Hunting - a revolutionary application that greatly speeds up the process. It automatically searches for specified vacancies, evaluates which ones to apply to, tailors one's CV according to the job description and sends it to the prospective employer. It reports the search activities to the Jobcentre Plus.
Student Loans Guide:
Student Testimonials
As an A-level student at St Charles with so many opportunities available through the careers newsletter, it can be very difficult to make a decision on your future in such a short amount of time. This is why I am very grateful for the careers service at St Charles. At the start of year 12 I was very confused and worried about what I wanted to do. Fast forward to now in Y13, with the help of Mr Shehu, I have submitted my UCAS application on time and hoping to go into a healthcare career and had few university interviews and offers. Mr Shehu is very patient when it comes to helping worried students. He helped me to figure out what I really love to do and explored my interests as well as helping to find work experience in my chosen field. He has definitely helped make my college experience less stressful as I feel like I have less weight on my shoulders. And he is an asset to St Charles because he helps all students figure out what they really want to do.
Ms Kassir has empathy and understanding, understanding the keenness of mine and others’ emotional landscape.
In moments of self-doubt or stress, offered a compassionate ear and important viewpoint, tenderly guiding me through challenges.
Through personalised encouragement and her goodness, she intrigued my mental wellbeing, and made a safe space inside the school.
In times of academic pressure, she emphasised the importance of balance, self-care, and a positive mindset.
I am incredibly grateful for the unwavering support provided by the careers department at our college, particularly Ms Kassir. Her dedication and kindness have played a pivotal role in my academic and professional journey.
Ms Kassir's assistance in securing work experience for my unit 27 project was invaluable. She guided me through every step, ensuring I not only found a suitable opportunity but also gained valuable insights and skills. Her commitment to my success extended beyond the practical aspects, as she provided emotional support whenever needed.
I owe much of my awareness about career opportunities to Ms Kassir's introduction to the careers newsletter. Her consistent updates on Microsoft Teams and emails have been a valuable resource, keeping me informed about various pathways and opportunities.
Ms Kassir's commitment to her students goes beyond the standard responsibilities. She is not only hardworking but also inspirational, motivating me through moments of self-doubt. Her availability and willingness to help have made a significant impact on my academic and personal growth.
In essence, Ms. Kassir's contributions to the careers department have made a profound difference in my educational journey, and I am truly fortunate to have her as a mentor and guide.
Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for the doors you opened for me, thank you for the directions you pointed me in, thank you for the constant reminders and reprimands... Thank you for believing in me, thank you for listening to me ramble on and on in your office, many a time. I can’t even express how much your guidance and assistance means to me.. Thank you so much [for the] recommendations and mentoring, even just reassuring me with positivity. You are doing a great work where you are.
I just wanted to say a big thank you. You’ve actually motivated me to strive for the best. You helped me create the best personal statement that got me into the best uni. You’ve been such a huge help.
"The Two Year Choices Day was very inspiring as well as motivating. I feel as the effort put into organising this day was very effective as it motivated me to think more about my future; increasing my ambition."
"Prior to the Choices Day I had had an initial talk with Tim [Careers Advisor] who was helpful in guiding and supporting me around the expectations and requirements to apply to certain universities. He also forwarded me many university opportunities that I have been able to apply for as a result of him."
The Careers Service has offered me all sorts of support which has successfully helped me to get into my preferred course and university. The Personal Statement Assistance from universities showed me where my weaknesses in my personal statement were and how to make it reach an impeccable level. That service is what helped me get all 4 choices from UCAS. The Two Years Choices Day was very inspiring and informative in showing me what universities I should apply to. Mr Shehu is also the reason for encouraging me to pick the course I wanted to do because I was doubting if I was even capable of achieving the grades, for that I am very grateful.
Talentview Aviation, Engineering and Construction Platforms
You can view the Talentview Aviation early career platform using this link and this link to view the Talentview Construction early careers platform for early career opportunities such as traineeships, work experience, apprenticeships, graduate roles.