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Student Ambassadors Programme

Become a St Charles Student Ambassador

Being a Student Ambassador is not only about helping with opening evenings and enrolment, it is about helping the family/community becoming better than it already is. 


Who are our Ambassadors?

Student Ambassadors are students who represent St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College by:

  • Taking on the role as Ambassadors for our student experiences
  • Providing positive role models to prospective students of our College
  • Support our College events, such as our Open Days and School visits at our site

To become a Student Ambassador here are some of the essential characteristics and qualities:

  • Enthusiasm and active engagement
  • Be reliable and dedicated
  • Great communication skills
  • Be adaptable, take initiative and be a team player
  • An interest in supporting and helping future students 


Email our Marketing Manager, Elena Ahmadian:


Become a St Charles Student Ambassador (1)

Main activities and duties

As a Student Ambassador you will represent, promote and enhance the reputation of St Charles Catholic Sixth Form to prospective students through a range of activities and events both on and off campus.

  1. Represent our College in a competent and professional manner in all dealings with students, parents and carers.
  2. Be welcoming and supportive of all visitors attending our events.
  3. Provide practical support at our College events. This will include Open Days and similar large scale events e.g. helping set-up, welcoming visitors, facilitating college tours, answering questions, giving directions and assisting with any registration.
  4. Discuss and share your experience of your own education, thus acting as a positive and enthusiastic role model. This may include giving presentations to groups of students / parents / teachers.
  5. Student Ambassadors will be required, from time to time, to fulfil other duties as appropriate to their skills.


Becoming a Student Ambassador does not only help you gain experience that you could use for your personal statement but also helps you meet new people and gain new skills, I would strongly recommend you to apply!





All staff, parents and visitors have a statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of students. Please click here for more information on safeguarding.